Hello,It’s PAO.

Today is a creamy potage that is perfect for autumn.
Potage is delicious when it gets chilly (^^♪

It’s slightly thick and creamy without using fresh cream♪

This potage is recommended for breakfast as it contains one burdock root and is full of nutrition.

Ingredients (for 2-3 people)

Onion・・・1/2 piece
Wheat flour・2 teaspoons
Consomme granules 2 tsp
Salt and pepper…a little

how to make

  1. Scrape the burdock root with the back of a knife or peel it with a peeler and slice diagonally. Soak in water to remove the scum.

Cut the onion in half and slice thinly.

2.Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the burdock root and onion.

When the onion softens and the burdock becomes a little soft,
Add the cake flour and stir-fry until the powderiness disappears.

3.Add water, consomme granules, and salt and pepper and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until burdock is tender.

4.Take off the heat, add a small amount of milk and put it in a mixer.
If you apply it firmly, it will be fluffy and creamy.

5.Transfer to a small saucepan, add the remaining milk and heat.
Season with salt and pepper.

Sprinkle with fresh cream, ground pepper and parsley if desired.


Pao’s Easy Home Cooking Powered by Livedoor Blog (blog.jp)

Fluffy burdock potage with delicious aroma! : Pao’s Easy Home Meal Powered by Livedoor Blog (blog.jp)