Hello! It’s PAO.
A simple recipe that just puts the ingredients in the rice cooker!
The new potatoes are entwined with thickened minced meat, and the rice goes well.
Grated ginger removes the smell and makes it light.

Potatoes cooked in a rice cooker do not stir, so they do not collapse.
It has a solid shape, but it melts in your mouth, making it the perfect finish.

Ingredients (for 4 people)

New potatoes (small)・・・400g
Minced beef and pork・・・150g
*Soy sauce, mirin, sake: 2 tbsp each

*Millet sugar (sugar) 1 tbsp

*Grated ginger 1 teaspoon
potato starch・・・2 teaspoons

how to make

1.You can eat the skin of new potatoes, so wash them thoroughly.
Cut large ones in half.
If using large new potatoes, cut them into bite-sized pieces.

2.Add * and minced meat to the rice cooker and mix to loosen.

3.Add new potatoes to 2 and try to embed them as much as possible.

4.Open the center of kitchen paper or aluminum foil
Use the drop lid and switch on in the normal rice cooking mode!

5.When the switch is turned off, turn off the switch once,

Add double the dissolved potato starch, mix gently, and heat again for 5 minutes.
It’s already thickened, so mix it up and you’re done!

PAO’s simple home meal Powered by livedoor blog (blog.jp)

Ditching and easy! Moist new potatoes and minced meat simmered in minced meat♪